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Our team of 28 is answering the commands and commission of our Lord to “go near”.

We are obeying God’s command to care for widows and orphans found in James 1:27 “Religion that is pure and undefiled in the sight of God our father is to care for orphans and widows in distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world.”

We GO out into the world because he commands us to be a witness in our home town, in cultures different than our own,  and to the far ends of the earth.  

What you can see from this year’s team:

Happy Life Children’s Home is near and dear to our hearts. Millions of babies are orphaned in Kenya. Happy Life is home to 100+ babies who have been abandoned or brought to this home for safety from abuse or neglect. Our team has the opportunity to help feed and care for them every day.

Star of Hope Academy is one of our favorites places to serve. Our team delivers several suitcases full of donated school supplies, books and bibles to distribute in the SOH classrooms located in Mathare slums. Over the past five years, our team members have developed relationships with students and teachers at the school and are excited to bring a Bible curriculum to the students that will take them through the entire Bible. At the end of the study, 200 students at SOH will receive a Bible of their very own.

Our team will travel to a more remote area in Maasai Land to take the gospel and bring educational support to our partnering school here. Their mission is to provide education, a safe haven for students and to present Jesus and his commands in the hopes of seeing transformation in a very traditional society. In the past, Go Near Ministry has provided funds to bring clean water to this area through a water well system. Our team will present the Bible curriculum that will take them through the entire Bible. At the end of the study, students will receive a Bible of their own. We will also show the Jesus Film in the Swahili language.

 Soweto Academy in the Kibera slums is a new opportunity for the Go Near team. Here, our team will have a chance to see a medical clinic, school and water well system all built in the middle of one of the worlds largest slums.

As we continue our time serving in Kenya, we will encounter people in all walks of life and we pray that we allow God’s spirit to lead us in the way He wishes us to go. For His glory.

Enjoy a few photos from our first day at Happy Life Children’s Home and Star of Hope Academy.

Ellie Likens cares for a baby at Happy Life Children’s Home

Mayse Pippin and a baby at Happy Life Children’s Home