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Help send the Gaydos family of five to “Go Near” in Kenya this summer.
Amy serves our community and our partners in Kenya as the Go Near Ministry board chairman. She and her husband, Mark will be leading this summer’s team along with their four younger children.

You can help financially: Drop by during their garage sale this Saturday, April 23  7 am – 1 pm at 9 Picayune Court LR (St. Charles) to make a tax-deductible donation or send a check to the Go Near Ministry address at 17200 Chenal Parkway Suite 300 PMB 227 indicate ‘Gaydos’ or donate online at our Go Near Ministry website.

From Amy:
“For several years I wanted to go to Kenya with Melody. I talked with her several times and finally believed it was time in 2013. I prayed and as I was reading in Luke 10:9, Jesus tells his disciples to “heal the sick in it and say to them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you’”. The words “come near” leapt off the page and confirmed my desire. I truly experienced the nearness of the Lord on that 2013 trip through the people in Kenya and our team. I saw Him at work in ways that excited me. I grew to love the Kenyan people and how they make relationships primary. I love their simple love for the Lord. Honestly, being with the people for whom God says He is near, the brokenhearted and needy, I experienced His nearness. I also witnessed the Lord at work among our team and gained a desire to see each person grow in relationship with Christ. The last part of James 1:27 became very real and exciting, to see our team not only “visit widows and orphans in their affliction”, but to also “keep oneself unstained from the world”. I long to see those who go on a Go Near mission trip develop a love for the Savior that changes them and brings Him the honor and glory He so richly deserves.
These are the reasons I returned back for my second trip last summer and took my son, Jack. Mark and I desire to return this June and take our four youngest along with us. We want them to experience ‘going near’.”